Yesterday was/is a bit of a blur at the moment, might have a little something to do with being a bit tired and having a really bad headache...
My brother Greg finally got here a little before lunch time yesterday to get his and Ikes things, and then was gone before lunch time today....I really hate that I see him so little that I didn't get to spend more time with him....heck, didn't even get to take pictures or anything...but I had to work, and couldn't really take more time off, considering we just came back to work. We did go to the mall last night though. I went to see Shawn of course for a whole two minutes, and then we ate while we were there. Garrett loves his Chick-fil-a....then of course, he rode the carousel again.
He loves that too!!
Then home to get Garrett showered and to bed, as he did have to go to school today. He had a hard time getting to sleep last night, but managed to finally fall asleep. Not really sure what time though....I know sometime after twelve I went in to check on him and found him fast asleep with his Webkinz lined up behind him....It really was too cute. And of course, I had to take a picture. Of course! **and Rande, notice the Scooby blanket in there?
Shawn also told me last night that he was asked to go to Georgia for ten days for work, and leave this Thursday. I can honestly say that I didn't handle it very well...hence the tiredness and headache. I realize that he has to go, and I could have handled it a bit better and be a little more accepting of his job and the requirements, but when you're used to your life being one way for so long, and then all of the sudden it's turned upside down, and you're having to learn a new way of life yet again, it stinks. Not wanting a pity party for Tammy or anything, just want to get it out and move forward. *Just overlook the whining! And once again, I am thankful that he DOES have a job, as so many more people are losing their jobs daily.
He is off today though, so hopefully he'll be all packed when I get home from work today and we can spend the evening doing something together, and making the most of the time we have left before he leaves. Garrett will be going to his Dads tonight, so he won't see Shawn again now until he gets they said their good-byes this morning....
Hopefully I'll feel a bit better in a while, and get something done....Motrin should be kicking in any time now.....have a great one!
Sorry about Shawn being gone, Tammy......{{{Hugs}}} being sent your way! You can always hang with me online & I'll keep you compnay. ;-) I LOVE that pic of Garrett asleep in his bed....too precious!!
hugs!!! so sorry about Shawn having to be gone! You will definitely have to hang out with us online!
I only have 1 of the 3 that Gene made left. Rayne doesn't even have one. Garrett got one. Riley has one. The other sorta kinda got up and ran away to Cali. Becki's son Will "stole" it. He said Rayne can have it back when he's done with it. Gotta love 3 yr olds. Sorry Shawn has to be gone. I totally understand how it goes. Gene is gonna be gone A LOT over the next 2 months. I might as well say the whole 2 months, but they have them home just long enough to not collect family seperation. Missing Riley's birthday AGAIN. 15 and half months I'm counting down.
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