Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day #119 - Picture #119 (Wednesday)


Tonight Shawn and I went to dinner at Grandson's. We've tried to go several times (with schedules permitting) over the past couple of months, but always managed to go on the days that they were closed (Mondays and Tuesdays). But since, "now we know", we made it a point to go tonight! Lots of southern foods, some that I don't get unless I go peas, collards, homemade cornbread, pecan pie, bar-b-qued ribs, and so on....needless to say, I had to unsnap my pants on the way home.

1 comment:

Sandee said...

Mmmm, all the foods we stay away from here in the north....uh Pacific NW, that is! I have to unsnap my britches just READING about all that yummy food!